
Product code: 114

UNI DME wash contains no water but has the chemical property of coupling with water to form a solvent/water emulsion. In a single wash-up, UNI DME wash removes the solvent-soluble contaminants on rollers and blankets, while the water emulsion removes the water-soluble glaze caused by gum, etch, lint and spray powders. By adding 25% to 50% water to a water-miscible wash, you reduce product cost, raise flash point, lessen the emission of solvent vapor into the pressroom, offer better protection to your hands, reduce product odor, and minimize V.O.C.’s.


  • Mix with up to 50% water for economy
  • Gives faster wash-ups with no residues
  • Removes glaze and piling quickly
  • Deep cleans blankets and rollers


Must be used on a wet wash-up rag. Add UNI DME full strength to rag or mix with up to 50% water in a wash-up bottle to remove both water-soluble and solvent-soluble glaze as well as blanket piling and lint at the same time.

Apply UNI DME full strength or mixed with up to 50% water to remove wet ink, gum glaze, paper fibers and lint. Use with UNI O.D. DEGLAZER as part of a press maintenance system.