We have achieved our goal to make these fountain solution series the most effective on the market.

Fountain solution is one of the most important products in the printing process. It allows water and ink to counterbalance each other, and keeps the plate clean. Contact us for more information.


  • Formulated with an additive which eliminates the accumulation of calcium in the fountain solution
  • Strong desensitizers, cleaner start-ups and quicker readies
  • A pH range between 4.0 – 4.5
  • Prevents plate blinding and picture framing
  • Reduces ink consumption

Let’s create an IMPACT!

Filter by press type

Code Product Description Type of press
209 UNI KOLITHO Fountain solution concentrate for polyester paper photo-direct and metal plate! Sheetfed
214 UNI LITHOFOUNT N 5500 New generation of ecological fountain solution concentrate for newspaper Web Coldset
219 UNI LITHOFOUNT N 7000 Neutral fountain solution concentrate for newspaper and coldset presses Web Coldset
221 UNI FRONT PAGE SOLUTION M.A. Fountain solution concentrate for offset web presses Web Coldset
227 UNI LITHOFOUNT 96 G An ecological fountain solution concentrate chrome & phosphate free for sheetfed presses Sheetfed
235 UNI LITHOFOUNT 2020 New generation of fountain solutionfor sheetfed presses Sheetfed
236 UNI LITHOFOUNT UCTP S An ecological CTP fountain solution can be used for CTP & conventional plates Sheetfed
242 UNI LITHOFOUNT 3000 G An ecological fountain solution chrome & phosphate FREE for web presses Web Heatset, Business Form
255 UNI LITHOFOUNT 21-F New generation of Fogra Certified fountain solution for sheetfed presses Sheetfed
256 UNI LITHOFOUNT P.C. Canada's most popular and reliable fountain solution Sheetfed
258 UNI LITHOFOUNT 2005 G-2 SF A New Generation of Ecological Alcohol-Free Fountain Solutions Sheetfed
259 UNI LITHOFOUNT ONE New generation of one-step alcohol-free fountain solution Sheetfed
260 UNI LITHOFOUNT KCR Revolutionary fountain solution for Komori sheetfed presses Sheetfed
261 UNI LITHOFOUNT BA 5000 Our most versatile sheetfed fountain solution on the market today Sheetfed
265 UNI LITHOFOUNT 2007 G-2 BF Fountain solution concentrate for business forms presses Business Form
280 UNI LITHOFOUNT 2030 Fountain solution concentrate for heatset web presses Web Heatset
281 UNI LITHOFOUNT WEB 06-100 Fountain solution concentrate for heatset web presses Web Heatset
312 UNI MOULD PREVENTATIVE UNI MOULD PREVENTATIVE is an additive fountain solution that retards fungus, mold and bacterial growth in the dampening system. UNI MOULD PREVENTATIVE may... Business Form, Sheetfed, Web Heatset, Web Coldset, Business Form
314 UNI 314 ANTI-FOAM is a powerful anti-foam agent for fountain solution recirculators Web Heatset, Web Coldset, Business Form, Business Form, Sheetfed
319 UNI I.D.S. Fountain additive to accelerate ink drying Business Form, Sheetfed, Web Heatset, Web Coldset, Business Form
337 UNI NON-PILING ADDITIVE UNI NON-PILING ADDITIVE is a water fountain additive that reduces or eliminates blanket piling, hickies and the transfer of paper coating. Field tests have... Business Form, Sheetfed, Web Heatset, Web Coldset, Business Form